Established early in life, good oral hygiene habits keep kids smiling. As a parent, model and teach daily tooth and gum care, using tipschildren's oral hygiene from your family dentist in Radcliff, KY, Dr. Ernest Skaggs. You'll be so happy you did.

Tooth decay is the problem

It's the number one chronic health issue among American children, says the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), surpassing even asthma and allergies. However, dental and gingival improve with diet, tooth brushing, and flossing, avoiding long-term damage.

Teaching your child

Here's how to do it:

  • Starting when that first baby tooth erupts, wipe little teeth, and gums with a clean 4x4 daily. Advance to a small, soft brush and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste by age three or when your child is able to rinse and spit.
  • Time twice-daily brushing. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends two minutes two times a day. Sing a song for really young kids as they brush, or time them on your phone.
  • Flossing removes interdental plaque. When teeth begin to be tightly spaced, floss your child's teeth using strand floss, y-flossers, or interdental brushes. As your child grows, have him or her be independent on flossing and brushing, but supervise until age 10.
  • Offer a low-sugar, low-carb diet high in fiber and low-fat dairy and proteins. Several servings of fruits and vegetables are must-haves, as is good hydration.
  • Be sure your young athlete wears a mouth guard for sports.
  • Visit your family dentist in his Radcliff, KY, office, as soon as the first baby tooth arrives and every six months after that.

At the dental office

Routine in-office care with Dr. Skaggs and his team is a good habit, too. Your child will learn that dental check-ups are easy and fun. The hygienist does a gentle scaling and polishing and takes x-rays according to a set schedule. Dr. Skaggs checks for tooth decay, gum problems, dental eruption, and jaw development. Most importantly, your family dentist treats his young patients with kindness and care which builds a lasting relationship.

Contact us

Let your family dentist, Dr. Ernest Skaggs, and his dedicated staff partner with you in keeping your child's smile beautiful and strong. We look forward to serving your own oral health needs, too. Call us at our Radcliff, KY, office: (270) 531-3265.