Now that you’ve been fitted with a dental crown, you’ll need to know how to care for it properly to ensure that it will last for as long as possible. If you have any concerns about your crown, don’t hesitate to consult your family dentist in Radcliff, KY, Dr. Ernest Skaggs. Otherwise, below are some practical guidelines to help you care for your dental crown.

Use Your Dental Crown Appropriately

It’s vital that you realize that dental crowns are prosthetic devices that, while durable, can’t match the exact resistance and strength of real, healthy teeth. This means that you should treat it with care, use them only for chewing and biting, and avoid placing excessive pressure on them. Avoiding extremely hard food items could likewise help prevent dental crowns from cracking and chipping.

Proper Oral Care for Dental Crowns

Usually, crowns could potentially last up to 10 or 15 years, considering that you implement sufficient maintenance practices. The most crucial factor to consider when caring for crowns is practicing proper oral care habits to keep your teeth clean and minimize the risk of decay and plaque buildup.

Keep in mind that every time you eat, plaque tries to build up on the teeth surface, especially near the gums’ crevices. If you don’t get rid of the plaque, it will continue accumulating and cause various ill effects like gum recession, decay, cavities, and gum disease. In turn, these could cause pain and other issues, particularly with more severe infections.

The Importance of Regular Dental Appointments

Routine dental visits to your family dentist in Radcliff, KY, are immensely vital to help monitor not only your dental crown’s condition but your entire mouth as well. During the dental checkups, your dentist will examine your mouth, including your dental crown. You’ll also undergo a thorough dental cleaning to remove all tartar or plaque buildup.

The American Dental Association recommends twice-annually checkups and cleanings. But your dentist may recommend more visits depending on the state of your oral health. However, if you feel any signs of discomfort or pain in your mouth that persists for more than several days, check-in with your dentist, even if it happens in between dental appointments.

Reach Out to Us For More Tips and Tricks on How to Care For Your Dental Crowns

Call (270) 351-3265 to schedule an appointment with your family dentist in Radcliff, KY, Dr. Ernest Skaggs.