A first tooth is not only a milestone for your baby, but it is also a sign that their journey to oral health has begun. After all, as soon as those little pearly whites appear, its time to make an appointment with your Radcliff family dentist, Dr. Ernest Skaggs, to ensure that your little one's smile stays strong and clean.

Why are pediatric dental checkups necessary?

Even though your child's baby teeth will begin falling out when they enter grade school, it is still important to keep your child's gums healthy and ready for when their permanent teeth come in. This is because baby teeth, just like adult teeth, can develop decay if not properly cared for, potentially leading to gum disease, inflammation, cavities, oral pain, and difficulty eating.

Your Radcliff family dentist will want to see your child as soon as their teeth come in to start them on the path to a lifelong healthy smile. Early checkups can help your family dentist uncover and treat cavities/decay before they cause further damage, as well as help your child develop good oral hygiene habits. By taking your child to a Radcliff family dentist regularly, you are teaching them the importance of oral health and helping them become comfortable with their dental care provider.

What will my Radcliff family dentist recommend?

During checkups with your family dentist, you will learn the proper way to brush your child's teeth, as well as how to help them practice dental hygiene at home every day. This routine requires that you:

  • Begin brushing your child's teeth as soon as they come in, using just a tiny amount of fluoridated toothpaste on a soft bristle brush. Starting around age two, assist your child with brushing their teeth with a pea-size amount of fluoridated toothpaste. Supervise your child's brushing habits until they have established the correct technique.
  • Have your child drink fluoridated water to protect their teeth.
  • Avoid giving your child sugary drinks or juices. Don't give your child a bottle to drink from overnight.
  • Floss your child's teeth for them until they are able to properly do so themselves.

Give us a call

Trust your Radcliff family dentist, Dr. Ernest Skaggs, with your family's pediatric dentistry needs. Call (270) 351-3265 today to make an appointment!